3 packs of Wellness Herbal Teas Collection - Mother Cuppa Tea
3 packs of Wellness Herbal Teas Collection After Making
3 packs of Wellness Herbal Teas Collection 4
3 packs of Wellness Herbal Teas Collection - ingredients

Wellness Herbal Teas Collection

Regular price£26.97
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Enjoy the benefits of all three of our wellness blends

  • 42 Bags

Mother Cuppa’s Wellness collection has a tea for each step of the day. A box of 3 teas for Morning, afternoon and evening. Blended for women with purpose to their day, helping you to balance hormones and keep up with the pace of life.  

The Wellness collection includes:  

No1 Energise blend 

🌺 100% Caffeine Free, using natural ingredients to sustain your energy throughout the day and avoid the spiking cortisol levels you’d get from coffee and that crash and burn.  

🌺 Stabilise Fluctuating Hormones, with the power of Ashwagandha and Schisandra berries, these powerful adaptogen plants help you to adapt to the stresses of the day and keep fatigue at bay.  

🌺 Promotes Natural Sustained Energy. With the power of beetroot and hibiscus, cleansing the liver of toxins and fuelling muscle efficiency.  

No2 Hydrate Blend 

🍀 Combats the effects of mild dehydration. Just 2% mild dehydration can lead to inflammation, loss of cognitive functions and increased muscle cramps.  

🍀 Increase your fluid intake to prevent hot flushes and night sweats. The more you sweat the more dehydrated you are and the more dehydrated you are the more your body tried to regulate the temperature.  

🍀 Reduce the dreaded cognitive slump and brain fog by staying hydrated. Increasing fluid intake reduces inflammation to the brain, with the power of Rooibos, Elderflower and Elderberries, this tea is a gentle reminder to drink more.  

No3 Relax Blend  

🌿 Promote a relaxed state of mind to aid in sleep, with natural and gentle sedatives this tea will help you to drift off. Can’t promise you’ll sleep for 12 hours (sorry ladies, I know your all want this!) but I can promise it will be the perfect end to your day.  

🌿 Induce a calm feeling, with natural anxiolytics, this tea is designed to interact with the body and help reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.  

 🌿 Create a sense of tranquillity during moments of stress. This blend is like a hug in a mug, the smell of this tea has been designed to make you feel like you're taking a warm bath, with scented candles.  

No1 - ENERGISE....

A tangy and aromatic blend of hibiscus, ginger, beetroot and ashwagandha.

No2 - HYDRATE....

A creamy blend of rooibos, coconut, elderberries and elderflower.

No3 - RELAX....

Sweet and roasted blend of rosehip, dandelion and lavender.

No1 - ENERGISE....

Ginger (30%), Hibiscus (16%), Apple Pieces (14%), Beetroot (10%), Rosehip (7%), Ashwagandha (5%), Lemongrass (5%), Peppermint (5%), Schizandra Berries (5%), Freeze-dried Cranberry, Orange Peel, Freeze-dried Cherry, Natural Flavourings.

No2 - HYDRATE....

Rooibos (55%), Desiccated Coconut (18%), Elderberries (15%), Elderflower (5%), Lime Leaves (4%), Freeze-dried Raspberry (3%), Natural Flavouring

No3 - RELAX....

Rosehip (25%), Roasted Dandelion Root (18%), Pear Pieces (18%), Cinnamon (17%), Apple Pieces (11%), Orange Peel (3.5%), Puffed Quinoa (3%), Oat Flowering Tops (3%), Lavender (2%), Natural Flavouring

  • Zero caffeine
  • Zero calories

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews
Loving my new teapot and glass mugs

I absolutely love using my glass teapot and mugs several times a day. Not only to they look amazing but easily hold 2 mugs full with one herbal teabag. I’ve also discovered having both the ‘Energise’ and ‘Hydrate’ teabags cold with ice - so delicious on a warm day.
Every month I look forward to receiving my subscription and enjoying precious moments of peace, during my day, with my herbal cuppa 🌼


We purchase all three teas monthly . Initially introduced to the teas by our daughter, as my husband has hormonal treatment for cancer.
They are absolutely perfect and he is able to benefit from each of them. I enjoy sharing them too!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this review. I am so pleased that these teas are supporting you and your family.
Welcome to the communiTEA
Kind regards

Helen Russell
The best herbal tea!

Purchased all 3 of the teas and they are very yummy and I feel they do what they say! Packaging and delivery was fine from mother cuppa, although royal mail not so much but the main thing there was no damage. I will definitely look to subscribe to these as worth the extra penny's than standard supermarket bought teas.

Helen, thank you for your kind review of my tea blends, so pleased ot hear you are enhoying them. I'm sorry to hear you had issues with the post. Do pop us an email if you would like to explore alternative postal options.
We would love to welcome you to the communiTEA as a subscriber.
Kindest regards


Fabulous I’m totally addicted

Love this comment, thank you so much for leaving a review. Love that you are a Mother Cuppa addict!
Kind regards

Perfect Tea

I adore my well being tea and have just purchased my 2nd lot of 3. I love all 3 flavours.
Thanks again. X

Thnk you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely review. I am so pleased to hear you are enjoying the tea.
Welcome to the communiTEA.
Kind regards