Do you ever find yourself debating whether to make a cup of coffee or tea? You know both will give you a caffeine boost, but do you know which one is better for your health? As a Tea sommelier and someone who gave up coffee 15 years ago, this has been a question I have come back to time and time again and often get asked.
How to go caffeine Free If you're asking yourself: Is going caffeine free worth it? Should I go caffeine free? What happens when I go caffeine free? Chances are you're on a similar journey to the one...
World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th October. The day was designated to raise awareness of the peri-menopause and menopause stages women go through and to support options to improve health and well-being for women in mid-life...
Ladies, this ones for you! Research suggests that even when we get our recommended daily fluid intake, this may not be enough for women. When it’s the wrong time of month have an extra drink! Our bodies are made up of...
Are you trying to cut back on caffeine? My name is Candice, I am a tea sommelier and founder to Mother cuppa and we are blending for purpose to support women’s health & wellbeing. This week we’ve talked about the difference...