If you are looking for a way to improve your skin's appearance, elderflower may be the answer. Elderflowers have long been used as an ingredient in skincare products because of their unique properties. The active ingredients in elderflowers are flavonoids that help skin to retain moisture and improve hydration.
How Herbal Tea Can Help You Navigate Perimenopause Perimenopause is a natural stage of life for all women, but it can be difficult to manage. For me the hot flushes, night sweats, and mood swings have made it hard to...
I was gliding through my 30’s, heading towards my 40’s and not at all considering that menopause was anywhere in my near future. I’ll confess that at that point I didn’t even know that perimenopause was a thing and blithely...
Many people swear by the health and wellness benefits of green tea but many drink it without being clear about how green tea differs from other teas or what makes it a good beverage choice. So what is green tea...
Ladies, this ones for you! Research suggests that even when we get our recommended daily fluid intake, this may not be enough for women. When it’s the wrong time of month have an extra drink! Our bodies are made up of...
I've never been a fan of herbal tea as I found they mostly don't taste of what they're meant to but wow has Mother Cuppa changed my mind! I have tried Clarity & Relax so far, both of which taste and smell amazing! I switched out my morning coffee for a Clarity tea and the difference is incredible. I have pretty severe ADHD and nothing apart from medication has been able to help but this tea really makes a difference with my brain fog - without the negative side effects coffee would give me. Excited to try the other flavours!
Candice is an alchemist and her teas go so far beyond your usual brew. Delicious and satisfying - every cup is a moment of self-care and for this alcohol-free, caffeine-free woman it's so lovely to treat myself in this way.
I've now subscribed to the trio on a monthly send out. I start every morning with Energise in a large mug, Hydrate after lunch and Relax late afternoon. I'm also sharing a pot of Relax Tea at our yoga classes, it's very popular